Young tender buds are picked just before opening in a meticulous harvesting process lasting only a couple of days each spring. This white tea gives a delightfully smooth nectar like cup and is a very popular white tea. When brewing this white you can use a generous amount of tea leaves allowing it to be steeped multiple times.
Ingredients: Organic Chinese white tea.
Spiced Rooibos Punch - exotic spices combine with South African rooibos to give a warming feeling - perfect in the heart of winter.
Ingredients: South African rooibos, Cocoa, ginger, cinnamon, roasted chicory root, barley malt, cinnamon sticks, flavour, cardamom, black pepper.
Rooibos de l'Afrique du Sud, cacao, gingembre, cannelle, racine de chicorée torréfiée, malt d'orge, bâtonnets de cannelle, arôme, cardamome, poivre noir.
Spiced Rooibos Punch - exotic spices combine with South African rooibos to give a warming feeling - perfect in the heart of winter.
Ingredients: South African rooibos, Cocoa, ginger, cinnamon, roasted chicory root, barley malt, cinnamon sticks, flavour, cardamom, black pepper.
Rooibos de l'Afrique du Sud, cacao, gingembre, cannelle, racine de chicorée torréfiée, malt d'orge, bâtonnets de cannelle, arôme, cardamome, poivre noir.
A Shibui classic and a best seller. Rooibos and blueberries combine to form a simply fantastic infusion.
Ingredients: South African rooibos, blueberries, flavour, cornflower blossoms. Rooibos de l'Afrique du Sud, bleuets, arôme, fleurs de centaurée bleuet.
A comforting cup of chamomile is commonly drunk before bedtime to aid a good nights sleep. However it gives a soothing mild herbal drink with honey notes at any point of the day. Shibui's hand picked dried blossom is of the highest quality.
Ingredients: Chamomile flowers. Fleurs de camomille.